Who is Eligible to Participate?
Members of RC 19 are invited to submit proposals in the form of a detailed abstract of an unpublished paper indicating the leading research question, theoretical approach, research methods, data sources and analytical significance. Preference will be given to paper proposals which make a strong comparative and/or theoretical contribution. Our conference format (see below) allows for in-depth discussion of a limited number of papers; about 60 papers will be accepted for presentation at the conference. As we have a limited number of slots for paper presentations, it is possible that not all meritorious papers will be included in the program. Thus, the RC19 has a tradition of accepting "contributed papers," which are available via the conference website but which are not formally discussed. Authors of both contributed and presented papers may be asked to be discussants. We will also allow for web-publication of the written comments of paper-discussants
Financial Support
We hope to be able to provide financial support to a limited number of participants with papers accepted for presentation at the conference. The support comes in the form of a travel and accommodation grant for researchers from low-income or soft-currency countries, who otherwise would be unable to attend the conference.
In order to apply for a travel and accommodation grant please indicate your financial situation in the appropriate box in the abstract submission form. When selecting among those applying for the grant, the organizers will strictly follow criteria of academic merit and financial need.
Membership in RC 19 is open to social scientists from all disciplines upon payment of a modest membership fee. If you are not already a member, please contact the RC19 Secretary, Daniel Beland (daniel.beland@usask.ca ; www.danielbeland.org).