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Most recent publications


Jenson Jane, Bérengère Marques-Pereira and Éric Remacle. L'État des citoyennetés en Europe et dans les Amériques, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2007.
Jenson Jane et Gazibo, Mamoudou, La politique comparée, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2004.
Jenson Jane, Sineau Mariette. Who Cares? Women’s Work, Child Care and Welfare State Redesign. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001. Recipient of an Aid to Scholarly Publication Award, SSHFC
Jenson Jane, de Sousa Santos Boaventura (eds). Globalizing Institutions: Case Studies In Social Regulation and Innovation. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000.
Jenson Jane, Laufer Jacqueline, Maruani Margaret (eds). The Gendering of Inequalities: Women, Men and Work. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000.
Jenson Jane, Sineau Mariette. Qui doit garder le jeune enfant? Les représentations du travail des mères dans l’Europe en crise. Paris: LGDJ, 1998.
Jenson Jane, Sineau Mariette. Mitterrand and les Françaises. Un rendez-vous manqué. Paris: Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politique, 1995.


Articles and chapters in books

Jenson Jane, “Sociology, Institutionalism and the European Union,” Comparative European Politics, à paraître 2010 (avec F. Mérand). 

Jenson Jane, « “Diffusing ideas for after-neoliberalism: The social investment perspective in Europe and Latin America.” Global Social Politics, vol. 10: 1, 2010.

Jenson Jane, “Lost in Translation. The social investment perspective and gender equality.” Social Politics, vol. 16: 4, 2009, 446-83.

Jenson Jane, « Penser le genre en science politique. Vers une typologie des usages du concept », Revue française de science politique, 59 : 2, 2009 (avec Éléonore Lépinard).

Jenson Jane,“Getting to Sewers and Sanitation: Doing Public Health within Nineteenth-Century Britain’s Citizenship Regime.” Politics & Society, vol. 36: 4, 2008, 532-56.
Jenson Jane, “Writing gender out: The continuing effects of the social investment perspective.” In Alexandra Dobrowolsky (ed.), Women and Public Policy in Canada. Neo-liberalism and After? Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2009, 25-47.
Jenson Jane,“Rolling out or backtracking on Quebec’s childcare system? Ideology matters” Marjorie Griffin Cohen and Jane Pulkingham (eds.) Public Policy for Women in Canada: The State, Income Security and Labour Market Issues (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, in press, 2009), 50-70.
Jenson Jane, “Genre et politiques publiques. Évolutions contemporaines.” In Isabelle Engelli, T-H Ballmer-Cao, et Pierre Muller, Les politiques du genre. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2008, 43-63.
Jenson Jane,“Citizenship in the Era of New Social Risks: What happened to gender inequalities?” In Yasmeen Abu-Laban (ed.), Gendering the Nation-State:  Canadian and Comparative Perspectives (Vancouver: UBC Press 2008), 185-202.
Jenson Jane, “Dopo il neoliberismo. L’evoluzione dei regimi di welfare verso l’«investimento sociale»”. In  La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, #1, 2008, 279-300.
Jenson Jane, “Children, new social risks and policy change. A LEGOÔ future?” Comparative Social Research, vol. 25, 2008.
Jane Jenson,“Writing gender out: The continuing effects of the social investment perspective.” In Alexandra Dobrowolsky (ed.), Women and Public Policy in Canada. Neo-liberalism and After? Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2009, 25-47.
Jane Jenson, “Rolling out or backtracking on Quebec’s childcare system? Ideology matters” Marjorie Griffin Cohen and Jane Pulkingham (eds.) Public Policy for Women in Canada: The State, Income Security and Labour Market Issues (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, in press, 2009), 50-70.

Jenson Jane,“Citizenship in the Era of New Social Risks: What happened to gender inequalities?” In Yasmeen Abu-Laban (ed.), Gendering the Nation-State:  Canadian and Comparative Perspectives (Vancouver: UBC Press 2008), 185-202.

Jenson Jane, “Resorting to the Law. Only one route to representation.” In Pierre Noreau (ed), Le droit à tout faire: Explorations des fonctions contemporaines du droit (Montréal: Éditions Thémis, 2008, 157-84.

Jenson Jane, “The European Union's Citizenship Regime. Creating Norms and Building Practices.” Comparative European Politics, 5:1, April 2007, pp. 53-69.

Jenson, Jane, “Le facteur “international » en politique comparée ». In François Crépeau et Jean-Philippe Thérien, Penser l’international. Perspectives et contributions des sciences sociales (Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2007), 87-114 (avec M. Gazibo).

Jenson Jane, "The LegoTM paradigm and new social risks: consequences for children.” In Jane Lewis (dir.), Children, Changing Families and Welfare States (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006), 27-50.
Jenson Jane, “The European Social Model: Gender and Generational Equality.” In Anthony Giddens, Patrick Diamond and Roger Liddle (dirs). Global Europe, Social Europe (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2006), 151-170.
Jenson Jane, “La citoyenneté sociale et les ‘nouveaux risques sociaux’ au Canada : où sont passées les voix des femmes? ». Droit et société. Revue internationale de théorie du droit et de sociologie juridique, #62, 2006, 21-43.
Jenson Jane, “Introduction: Thinking about Citizenship and Law in an Era of Change.” In Law Commission of Canada (ed.). Law and Citizenship ( Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2006), 3-21.
Jenson Jane, “Employment and Social Policy since Maastricht: Standing up to the European Monetary Union” dans R. Fishman et A. Messina, The Year of the Euro: The Cultural, Social and Political Import of the Common Currency (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006) (avec Ph. Pochet), 161-85.
Jenson Jane, L’analyse des femmes et du genre au Québec et au Canada francophone.” Dans Bérengère Marques-Pereira et Petra Meier (eds), Genre et politiqueen Belgique et en francophonie, Louvain-la-Neuve : Academia-Bruylant, 2005.
Jenson Jane, “Social investment perspectives and practices: A decade in British politics” Social Policy Review 17. (Martin Powell, Linda Bauld et Karen Clarke, dirs). Bristol, UK: The Policy Press, 2005 (avec A. Dobrowolsky), 203-30.
Jenson Jane, “The Frontiers of Citizenship: Reflections”, in Thomas Courchene and Donald Savoie (eds), Governance in a World without Frontiers Montreal: IRPP, 2003, pp. 311-22.
Jenson Jane, "The European Union's Citizenship Regime. Creating Norms and Building Practices", Comparative European Politics, 5, 1, April 2007, p. 53-69.
Jenson Jane et Denis Saint-Martin, "Building Blocks for a New Social Architecture: The LEGO TM paradigm of an active society", Policy and Politics, vol. 34, 3, juillet 2006, p. 429-451.
Jenson Jane, "Social investment perspectives and practices: A decade in British politics” Social Policy Review 17. (Martin Powell, Linda Bauld et Karen Clarke, dirs). Bristol , UK : The Policy Press, 2005 (avec A. Dobrowolsky).
Jenson Jane, “Shifting Representations of Citizenship: Canadian Politics of “Women” and “Children,” Social Politics. International Studies in Gender, State and Society, vol. 11:2, 2004 154-180 (avec A. Dobrowolsky).
Jenson Jane, “Family Responsibility or Investing in Children: Shifting the Paradigm,” Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie. Vol. 29:2, 2004.


« L’avenir de la famille québécoise. Quel rôle pour les politiques sociales et familiales ? » In Gilles Pronovost et al., La Famille à l’horizon 2020. Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2008, 379-400.

Social cohesion and social policies. Literature and indicators. Prepared for the UN Research Institute on Social Development (UNRISD) Research Project Social Policy in Small States, Methodology Workshop,  1-2 October 2007, Genève.

Fairness Across Generations. An Agenda for Europe's Youth of Today and Tomorrow , Comments to the Group of Societal Policy Advisors (GSPA), Bureau of European Policy Advisors (BEPA), European Commission, 3 avril 2007.
Social and Economic Inclusion and Canada’s Citizenship Regime , Presentation to Roundtable organized by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Metropolis Annual Conference, Toronto, 4 mars 2007.
Canadian Multiculturalism and Shared Citizenship , Presentation to IRPP Roundtable, Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada and Quebec, 1 mars 2007.
Learning from Each Other: Early Learning and Child Care Experiences in Canadian Cities , ELCC Report 2006, City of Toronto. Toronto: City of Toronto, released 4 July 2006 (with R. Mahon).
« Services d'apprentissage et de garde : trois défis pour une grande priorité » / "Early childhood learni ng and care: the route to meeting the major challenges." Options politiques / Policy Options, vol. 27 : 4, avril-mai, 2006. Issu de la contribution à l’atelier, « Canadian Priorities Agenda », IRPP, 27 janvier 2006.
Gender equality must be at the heart of any European social model.” In Progressive Politics, Social Europe's Renaissance, vol. 4: 3, hiver 2006. Traduit et publié comme : „ Das Prinzip Geschlechtergerechtigkeit“, Berliner Republik, No. 4, 2006. Updated and republished as « L’uguaglianza di genere deve essere al centro di ogni modello sociale europeo », Italiani europei, VII: 3, 2007, 51-64.

Canada’s New Social Risks: Directions for a New Social Architecture . CPRN F|43, 2004.

Catching up to Reality: Building the Case for a New Social Model . CPRN F|35, 2004.

Redesigning the Welfare Mix for Families: Policy Challenges , CPRN F|30, 2003.

Bringing Cities to the Table: Child care and intergovernmental relations , CPRN F|26, 2002 (avec R. Mahon)

Shifting the Paradigm: Knowledge and Learning for Canada’s Future , CPRN F|18, 2001.

Two Policy Paradigms: Family responsibility and investing in children , CPRN F|12, 2001. (avec C. Beauvais)

The “Canadian Diversity Model”: A Repertoire in Search of a Framework , CPRN, F|19, 2001. (avec M. Papillon)

The Changing Boundaries of Citizenship: A Review and Research Agenda, Centre canadien de gestion, 2000. (avec M. Papillon)

What's the best Policy Mix for Canada's Young Children?, Ottawa, CPRN, F|09, 2000. (avec S.M. Stroick)

Comparative Family Policy, Six Provincial Stories , Ottawa, CPRN, F|08, 2000. (avec l’assistance de S. Thompson)

A Policy Blueprint for Canada's Children, Ottawa, CPRN, F|04, 1999.

Mapping Social Cohesion, The State of the Canadian Research , Ottawa, CPRN, F|03, 1998.

Jenson, Jane and Stephane Jacobzone (2000) Care Allowances for the Frail Elderly and Their Impact on Women Care-Givers, OECD Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Papers, #41, Paris: OECD.



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