Jenson Jane, Women's citizenship in the democracies of the America: Canada (2013)
Jenson Jane, Bérengère Marques-Pereira et Éric Remacle. L'état des citoyennetés en Europe et dans les Amériques, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2007. |
Jenson Jane et Gazibo, Mamoudou, La politique comparée, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2004. |
Jenson Jane, Sineau Mariette. Who Cares? Women’s Work, Child Care and Welfare State Redesign. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001. Recipient of an Aid to Scholarly Publication Award, SSHFC |
Jenson Jane, de Sousa Santos Boaventura (eds). Globalizing Institutions: Case Studies In Social Regulation and Innovation. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000. |
Jenson Jane, Laufer Jacqueline, Maruani Margaret (eds). The Gendering of Inequalities: Women, Men and Work. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000. |
Jenson Jane, Sineau Mariette. Qui doit garder le jeune enfant? Les représentations du travail des mères dans l’Europe en crise. Paris: LGDJ, 1998. |
Jenson Jane, Sineau Mariette. Mitterrand and les Françaises. Un rendez-vous manqué. Paris: Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politique, 1995. |
Jenson Jane, "Standardization for Transnational Diffusion. The Case of Truth Commissions and Conditional Cash Transfers." International Political Sociology, 7: 3, 294-312
Jenson Jane, Version remaniée de «La standardisation et les mécanismes du transfert transnational», Gouvernement et action publique, numéro 1, printemps 2012 (avec Marcos Ancelovici), 37-58.
Jenson Jane. “Governing without a majority. What consequences in Westminster systems?” Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, vol. 49: 4, 2011, pp. 435-39 (avec P. Dufour et D. Saint-Martin). Jenson Jane «Politiques publiques et investissement social: quelles conséquences pour la citoyenneté sociale des femmes?» Cahiers du genre, hors-série, 2011, 21-43.
Jenson Jane Traduit et publiécomme: «Políticas públicas e investimento social: quais as consequências para a cidadania social das mulheres?». Estudos de Sociologia (Brasil), vol. 17, #32, 2012, 87-106.
Jenson Jane, “Sociology, Institutionalism and the European Union,” Comparative European Politics, à paraître 2010 (avec F. Mérand). |
Jenson Jane, « “Diffusing ideas for after-neoliberalism: The social investment perspective in Europe and Latin America.” Global Social Politics, vol. 10: 1, 2010. |
Jenson Jane, “Lost in Translation. The social investment perspective and gender equality.” Social Politics, vol. 16: 4, 2009, 446-83. |
Jenson Jane, « Penser le genre en science politique. Vers une typologie des usages du concept », Revue française de science politique, 59 : 2, 2009 (avec Éléonore Lépinard). |
Jenson Jane, « Penser le genre en science politique. Vers une typologie des usages du concept », Revue française de science politique, 59 : 2, 2009 (avec Éléonore Lépinard). |
Jenson Jane,“Getting to Sewers and Sanitation: Doing Public Health within Nineteenth-Century Britain’s Citizenship Regime.” Politics & Society, vol. 36: 4, 2008, 532-56. |
Jenson Jane, “Writing gender out: The continuing effects of the social investment perspective.” In Alexandra Dobrowolsky (ed.), Women and Public Policy in Canada. Neo-liberalism and After? Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2009, 25-47. |
Jenson Jane,“Rolling out or backtracking on Quebec’s childcare system? Ideology matters” Marjorie Griffin Cohen and Jane Pulkingham (eds.) Public Policy for Women in Canada: The State, Income Security and Labour Market Issues (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, in press, 2009), 50-70. |
Jenson Jane, “Genre et politiques publiques. Évolutions contemporaines.” In Isabelle Engelli, T-H Ballmer-Cao, et Pierre Muller, Les politiques du genre. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2008, 43-63. |
Jenson Jane,“Citizenship in the Era of New Social Risks: What happened to gender inequalities?” In Yasmeen Abu-Laban (ed.), Gendering the Nation-State: Canadian and Comparative Perspectives (Vancouver: UBC Press 2008), 185-202. |
Jenson Jane, “Dopo il neoliberismo. L’evoluzione dei regimi di welfare verso l’«investimento sociale»”. In La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, #1, 2008, 279-300. |
Jenson Jane, “Children, new social risks and policy change. A LEGOÔ future?” Comparative Social Research, vol. 25, 2008. |
Jane Jenson,“Writing gender out: The continuing effects of the social investment perspective.” In Alexandra Dobrowolsky (ed.), Women and Public Policy in Canada. Neo-liberalism and After? Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2009, 25-47. |
Jane Jenson, “Rolling out or backtracking on Quebec’s childcare system? Ideology matters” Marjorie Griffin Cohen and Jane Pulkingham (eds.) Public Policy for Women in Canada: The State, Income Security and Labour Market Issues (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, in press, 2009), 50-70. |
Jenson Jane,“Citizenship in the Era of New Social Risks: What happened to gender inequalities?” In Yasmeen Abu-Laban (ed.), Gendering the Nation-State: Canadian and Comparative Perspectives (Vancouver: UBC Press 2008), 185-202. |
Jenson Jane, “Resorting to the Law. Only one route to representation.” In Pierre Noreau (ed), Le droit à tout faire: Explorations des fonctions contemporaines du droit (Montréal: Éditions Thémis, 2008, 157-84. |
Jenson Jane, “The European Union's Citizenship Regime. Creating Norms and Building Practices.” Comparative European Politics, 5:1, April 2007, pp. 53-69. |
Jenson, Jane, “Le facteur “international » en politique comparée ». In François Crépeau et Jean-Philippe Thérien, Penser l’international. Perspectives et contributions des sciences sociales (Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2007), 87-114 (avec M. Gazibo). |
Jenson Jane, "The LegoTM paradigm and new social risks: consequences for children.” In Jane Lewis (dir.), Children, Changing Families and Welfare States (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006), 27-50. |
Jenson Jane, “The European Social Model: Gender and Generational Equality.” In Anthony Giddens, Patrick Diamond and Roger Liddle (dirs). Global Europe, Social Europe (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2006), 151-170. |
Jenson Jane, “La citoyenneté sociale et les ‘nouveaux risques sociaux’ au Canada : où sont passées les voix des femmes? ». Droit et société. Revue internationale de théorie du droit et de sociologie juridique, #62, 2006, 21-43. |
Jenson Jane, “Introduction: Thinking about Citizenship and Law in an Era of Change.” In Law Commission of Canada (ed.). Law and Citizenship ( Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2006), 3-21. |
Jenson Jane, “Employment and Social Policy since Maastricht: Standing up to the European Monetary Union” dans R. Fishman et A. Messina, The Year of the Euro: The Cultural, Social and Political Import of the Common Currency (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006) (avec Ph. Pochet), 161-85. |
Jenson Jane, L’analyse des femmes et du genre au Québec et au Canada francophone.” Dans Bérengère Marques-Pereira et Petra Meier (eds), Genre et politiqueen Belgique et en francophonie, Louvain-la-Neuve : Academia-Bruylant, 2005. |
Jenson Jane, “Social investment perspectives and practices: A decade in British politics” Social Policy Review 17. (Martin Powell, Linda Bauld et Karen Clarke, dirs). Bristol, UK: The Policy Press, 2005 (avec A. Dobrowolsky), 203-30. |
Jenson Jane, “The Frontiers of Citizenship: Reflections”, in Thomas Courchene and Donald Savoie (eds), Governance in a World without Frontiers Montreal: IRPP, 2003, pp. 311-22. |
Jenson Jane, "The European Union's Citizenship Regime. Creating Norms and Building Practices", Comparative European Politics, 5, 1, April 2007, p. 53-69. |
Jenson Jane et Denis Saint-Martin, "Building Blocks for a New Social Architecture: The LEGO TM paradigm of an active society", Policy and Politics, vol. 34, 3, juillet 2006, p. 429-451. |
Jenson Jane, "Social investment perspectives and practices: A decade in British politics” Social Policy Review 17. (Martin Powell, Linda Bauld et Karen Clarke, dirs). Bristol , UK : The Policy Press, 2005 (avec A. Dobrowolsky). |
Jenson Jane, “Shifting Representations of Citizenship: Canadian Politics of “Women” and “Children,” Social Politics. International Studies in Gender, State and Society, vol. 11:2, 2004 154-180 (avec A. Dobrowolsky). |
Jenson Jane, “Family Responsibility or Investing in Children: Shifting the Paradigm,” Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie. Vol. 29:2, 2004. |
« L’avenir de la famille québécoise. Quel rôle pour les politiques sociales et familiales ? » In Gilles Pronovost et al., La Famille à l’horizon 2020. Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2008, 379-400. |
Social cohesion and social policies. Literature and indicators. Prepared for the UN Research Institute on Social Development (UNRISD) Research Project Social Policy in Small States, Methodology Workshop, 1-2 October 2007, Genève. |
Fairness Across Generations. An Agenda for Europe's Youth of Today and Tomorrow , Comments to the Group of Societal Policy Advisors (GSPA), Bureau of European Policy Advisors (BEPA), European Commission, 3 avril 2007. |
Social and Economic Inclusion and Canada’s Citizenship Regime , Presentation to Roundtable organized by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Metropolis Annual Conference, Toronto, 4 mars 2007. |
Canadian Multiculturalism and Shared Citizenship , Presentation to IRPP Roundtable, Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada and Quebec, 1 mars 2007. |
Learning from Each Other: Early Learning and Child Care Experiences in Canadian Cities , ELCC Report 2006, City of Toronto. Toronto: City of Toronto, released 4 July 2006 (with R. Mahon). |
« Services d'apprentissage et de garde : trois défis pour une grande priorité » / "Early childhood learni ng and care: the route to meeting the major challenges." Options politiques / Policy Options, vol. 27 : 4, avril-mai, 2006. Issu de la contribution à l’atelier, « Canadian Priorities Agenda », IRPP, 27 janvier 2006. |
“ Gender equality must be at the heart of any European social model.” In Progressive Politics, Social Europe's Renaissance, vol. 4: 3, hiver 2006. Traduit et publié comme : „ Das Prinzip Geschlechtergerechtigkeit“, Berliner Republik, No. 4, 2006. Updated and republished as « L’uguaglianza di genere deve essere al centro di ogni modello sociale europeo », Italiani europei, VII: 3, 2007, 51-64. |
Canada’s New Social Risks: Directions for a New Social Architecture . CPRN F|43, 2004. Catching up to Reality: Building the Case for a New Social Model . CPRN F|35, 2004. Redesigning the Welfare Mix for Families: Policy Challenges , CPRN F|30, 2003. Bringing Cities to the Table: Child care and intergovernmental relations , CPRN F|26, 2002 (avec R. Mahon) Shifting the Paradigm: Knowledge and Learning for Canada’s Future , CPRN F|18, 2001. Two Policy Paradigms: Family responsibility and investing in children , CPRN F|12, 2001. (avec C. Beauvais) The “Canadian Diversity Model”: A Repertoire in Search of a Framework , CPRN, F|19, 2001. (avec M. Papillon) The Changing Boundaries of Citizenship: A Review and Research Agenda, Centre canadien de gestion, 2000. (avec M. Papillon) What's the best Policy Mix for Canada's Young Children?, Ottawa, CPRN, F|09, 2000. (avec S.M. Stroick) Comparative Family Policy, Six Provincial Stories , Ottawa, CPRN, F|08, 2000. (avec l’assistance de S. Thompson) A Policy Blueprint for Canada's Children, Ottawa, CPRN, F|04, 1999. Mapping Social Cohesion, The State of the Canadian Research , Ottawa, CPRN, F|03, 1998. Jenson, Jane and Stephane Jacobzone (2000) Care Allowances for the Frail Elderly and Their Impact on Women Care-Givers, OECD Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Papers, #41, Paris: OECD. |